These are the top 51 Game Development courses found from analyzing all discussions on Reddit that mention any Udemy course.
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D
Learn Unity in C# & Code Your First Five 2D Video Games for Web, Mac & PC
Learn Unity in C# & Code Your First Five 2D Video Games for Web, Mac & PC

Ben Tristem Team Team
0 reddit posts
179 mentions
179 mentions
Complete C# Unity Game Developer 3D
Design & Develop Video Games
Design & Develop Video Games

Ben Tristem
0 reddit posts
119 mentions
119 mentions
Unreal Engine C++ Developer
Learn C++ and Make Video Games
Created in collaboration with Epic Games
Learn C++ and Make Video Games
Created in collaboration with Epic Games

Ben Tristem
0 reddit posts
112 mentions
112 mentions
Unreal Engine 4 Mastery
Create Multiplayer Games with C++
Unleash the power of C++ and Blueprint to develop Multiplayer Games with AI in this Epic Games-approved course
Create Multiplayer Games with C++
Unleash the power of C++ and Blueprint to develop Multiplayer Games with AI in this Epic Games-approved course

Tom Looman
0 reddit posts
39 mentions
39 mentions
Unreal Engine Blueprint Game Developer
Code Your First Video Game in 100 minutes with Visual Scripting
Code Your First Video Game in 100 minutes with Visual Scripting

Ben Tristem
0 reddit posts
32 mentions
32 mentions
The Ultimate Guide to Game Development with Unity (Official)
Created in partnership with Unity Technologies: learn C# by developing 2D & 3D games with this comprehensive guide
Created in partnership with Unity Technologies: learn C# by developing 2D & 3D games with this comprehensive guide

Jonathan Weinberger
0 reddit posts
41 mentions
41 mentions
Unreal Engine C++ The Ultimate Game Developer Course
Learn how to develop, code and package a complete video game in Unreal Engine
Learn how to develop, code and package a complete video game in Unreal Engine

Stephen Ulibarri
0 reddit posts
22 mentions
22 mentions
Blender Character Creator v2.0 for Video Games Design
Model Video Game Characters
Model Video Game Characters

Ben Tristem Team Team
0 reddit posts
13 mentions
13 mentions
Unreal Engine 4
How to Develop Your First Two Games
Epic Games-Approved: learn the Unreal Editor, master the gameplay framework, and use Blueprint to program without coding
How to Develop Your First Two Games
Epic Games-Approved: learn the Unreal Editor, master the gameplay framework, and use Blueprint to program without coding

Christopher Murphy
0 reddit posts
16 mentions
16 mentions
Shader Development from Scratch for Unity with Cg
Learn to program the graphics pipeline in Unity for creating unique visual surfaces for game objects
Learn to program the graphics pipeline in Unity for creating unique visual surfaces for game objects

Penny de Byl
0 reddit posts
13 mentions
13 mentions
Unreal C++ Multiplayer Master
Intermediate Game Development
Make Local & Online Multiplayer Games
Intermediate Game Development
Make Local & Online Multiplayer Games

Ben Tristem
0 reddit posts
11 mentions
11 mentions
Pro Unreal Engine Game Coding
The black book on how to survive on the battlefield of real-world C++ game programming
The black book on how to survive on the battlefield of real-world C++ game programming

Rob Baker
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Learn Assembly Language by Making Games for the Atari 2600
Programming games for the Atari 2600 platform using 6502 Assembly Language
Programming games for the Atari 2600 platform using 6502 Assembly Language

Gustavo Pezzi
0 reddit posts
11 mentions
11 mentions
RPG Core Combat Creator
Learn Intermediate Unity C# Coding
Build Combat for Role Playing Game (RPG) in Unity
Learn Intermediate Unity C# Coding
Build Combat for Role Playing Game (RPG) in Unity

Ben Tristem
0 reddit posts
8 mentions
8 mentions
Learn To Create An RPG Game In Unity
Game development made easy
Game development made easy

James Doyle
0 reddit posts
11 mentions
11 mentions
Unity Multiplayer
Intermediate C# Coding & Networking
Create online multiplayer games in Unity using Mirror
Intermediate C# Coding & Networking
Create online multiplayer games in Unity using Mirror

Ben Tristem Team Team
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Math For Video Games
The Fastest Way To Get Smarter At Math
Learn Math for Video Game Design & Coding through Solving fun Video Game Problems
The Fastest Way To Get Smarter At Math
Learn Math for Video Game Design & Coding through Solving fun Video Game Problems

Ben Tristem Team Team
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
How to Program Voxel Worlds Like Minecraft with C# in Unity
A comprehensive guide to blocky mesh building for procedurally-generated worlds updated for Unity 2020+
A comprehensive guide to blocky mesh building for procedurally-generated worlds updated for Unity 2020+

Penny de Byl
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
Unreal Engine 5
The Complete Beginner's Course
Learn Video Game Development & How To Design a Game From Scratch Using UE5
The Complete Beginner's Course
Learn Video Game Development & How To Design a Game From Scratch Using UE5

David Nixon
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Unity 2D Game Developer Course Farming RPG
Build the core systems for a 2D Farming RPG game using the Unity game engine and C# in this intermediate Unity course
Build the core systems for a 2D Farming RPG game using the Unity game engine and C# in this intermediate Unity course

Rob Ager
0 reddit posts
6 mentions
6 mentions
Be a Game Maker with GameMaker Studio 2
Make 2 Complete Games with the Free Version of GameMaker Studio 2
Make 2 Complete Games with the Free Version of GameMaker Studio 2

Benjamin Anderson
0 reddit posts
9 mentions
9 mentions
The Ultimate Guide to 2D Mobile Game Development with Unity
Created in partnership with Unity Technologies: Master C#, Unity Ads, 2D mobile game development, and publishing
Created in partnership with Unity Technologies: Master C#, Unity Ads, 2D mobile game development, and publishing

Jonathan Weinberger
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Unreal Engine 4 Class
Learn Blueprints and create your own games (eng subtitles)
Learn Blueprints and create your own games (eng subtitles)

Luccas Schmigel
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Unreal Engine Blueprints - The Ultimate Developer Course
Create three complete video games including a mobile game without a single line of code
Create three complete video games including a mobile game without a single line of code

Stephen Ulibarri
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
How to Make a Retro Style 3D FPS in the Godot Game Engine
Learn how to make an old school fast-paced first person shooter in the Godot game engine
Learn how to make an old school fast-paced first person shooter in the Godot game engine

Narayana Walters
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Learn To Create A Roguelike Game In Unity
Game development made easy
Game development made easy

James Doyle
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Unity C# Scripting
Complete C# For Unity Game Development
Learn C# Scripting for Unity Game Development from Basics, Create your own 3D & 2D Games With Unity & C#
Complete C# For Unity Game Development
Learn C# Scripting for Unity Game Development from Basics, Create your own 3D & 2D Games With Unity & C#

Raja Biswas
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Vehicle Modeling in Houdini 16.5 - SciFi Dropship
Learn how to utilize Houdini's Procedural toolset to create Vehicle Models
Learn how to utilize Houdini's Procedural toolset to create Vehicle Models

Indie - Pixel
0 reddit posts
7 mentions
7 mentions
Unreal Engine 4 - VFX for Games - Beginner to Intermediate
You will have started your own portfolio of AAA Visual Effects for Games by the end of this course
You will have started your own portfolio of AAA Visual Effects for Games by the end of this course

Gabriel Aguiar
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
How to Make Tile Based Platform Games in Gamemaker Studio 2
Learn the basics to build fun and creative platform games, including tricks to add polished and professional features
Learn the basics to build fun and creative platform games, including tricks to add polished and professional features

Peter Morgan
0 reddit posts
9 mentions
9 mentions
VR Development Fundamentals With Oculus Quest 2 And Unity
Learn the basics of Virtual Reality Development with the mighty Oculus Quest, All-in-one VR headset from Facebook
Learn the basics of Virtual Reality Development with the mighty Oculus Quest, All-in-one VR headset from Facebook

Tevfik Ufuk DEMİRBAŞ
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Unreal Engine 4
First Person Shooter Survival Course
Learn the fundamentals of creating a FPS game in Unreal Engine, with free resources and over 13 hours of tutorials
First Person Shooter Survival Course
Learn the fundamentals of creating a FPS game in Unreal Engine, with free resources and over 13 hours of tutorials

Aidan Perry
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
2D Game Artist
Learn GIMP For Game Art
Make 2D Art for Video Games Using GIMP
Learn GIMP For Game Art
Make 2D Art for Video Games Using GIMP

Ben Tristem
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Develop Minecraft Plugins (Java)
High-quality tutorials providing you with the most sustainable practices available to make Minecraft plugins
High-quality tutorials providing you with the most sustainable practices available to make Minecraft plugins

Stephen King
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Build Your Own First Person Shooter / Survival Game in Unity
Part I: Create and Design Artificially Intelligent Game Characters with Advanced Animation Systems
Part I: Create and Design Artificially Intelligent Game Characters with Advanced Animation Systems

Game Institute Inc.
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Mathematics for Computer Games Development using Unity
A Beginner's Guide to Essential Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms used in Game Programming applied in Unity
A Beginner's Guide to Essential Mathematics, Data Structures and Algorithms used in Game Programming applied in Unity

Penny de Byl
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
How To Get A Job In The Video Game Industry
Create a Winning Resume, Portfolio, LinkedIn Profile & Job Application
Create a Winning Resume, Portfolio, LinkedIn Profile & Job Application

Rick Davidson
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Unreal Engine 4
For Absolute Beginners
Learn the basics of making games with UE4 & Unreal Engine 4
For Absolute Beginners
Learn the basics of making games with UE4 & Unreal Engine 4

Devslopes by Mark Wahlbeck
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Learn To Create A First Person Shooter With Unity & C#
Game development made easy
Game development made easy

James Doyle
0 reddit posts
5 mentions
5 mentions
Advanced AI For Games with Goal-Oriented Action Planning
Artificial Intelligence for Creating Complex Game Character Behaviours for Simulations, Real-Time Strategy Games & More
Artificial Intelligence for Creating Complex Game Character Behaviours for Simulations, Real-Time Strategy Games & More

Penny de Byl
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Unity By Example
20+ Mini Projects in Unity (2021 Updated)
Learn Unity Game Development Build 20+ Mini Projects Using Unity & C#
20+ Mini Projects in Unity (2021 Updated)
Learn Unity Game Development Build 20+ Mini Projects Using Unity & C#

Raja Biswas
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Procedural Race Tracks - Houdini 17.5/18 and Houdini Engine
Create a full Procedurally built Level with Houdini 17
Create a full Procedurally built Level with Houdini 17

Indie - Pixel
0 reddit posts
3 mentions
3 mentions
Learn To Code By Making a 2D Platformer in Unity & C#
Game development made easy
Game development made easy

James Doyle
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Building a Crafting Game
GameMaker Studio 2
Learn the ins and outs of GameMaker while developing your own resource gathering game
GameMaker Studio 2
Learn the ins and outs of GameMaker while developing your own resource gathering game

Gurpreet Singh Matharoo
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
The Beginner's Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Unity
A practical guide to programming non-player characters for games
A practical guide to programming non-player characters for games

Penny de Byl
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
The Ultimate Guide to Real World Applications with Unity
Created in Partnership with Unity Technologies: Move beyond game design & build 3 enterprise-level applications in Unity
Created in Partnership with Unity Technologies: Move beyond game design & build 3 enterprise-level applications in Unity

Jonathan Weinberger
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Learn How To Code Games In Roblox Studio
Learn how to create Roblox games in an easy to understand step by step course
Learn how to create Roblox games in an easy to understand step by step course

Brendon Ross
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Design Patterns for Game Programming
An exploration of robust modularised code building for games with Unity 2019 and C#
An exploration of robust modularised code building for games with Unity 2019 and C#

Penny de Byl
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
Metroidvania Toolkit
Make a 2D Action Platformer in Unity
Learn to Code with C# and Design a 2D Action Platformer Video Game Using Unity 2020
Make a 2D Action Platformer in Unity
Learn to Code with C# and Design a 2D Action Platformer Video Game Using Unity 2020

Brent Williams
0 reddit posts
4 mentions
4 mentions
Code Your First Game
Arcade Classic in JavaScript on Canvas
Program a complete game today
Arcade Classic in JavaScript on Canvas
Program a complete game today

Chris DeLeon
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions
The Complete Unity Game Development Course
Create Your Own First Person Shooter Zombie Game
Create Your Own First Person Shooter Zombie Game

Codestars by Rob Percival
0 reddit posts
2 mentions
2 mentions